
msauth.yml 4.0KB

  1. # ===================================================================
  2. # Spring Boot configuration.
  3. #
  4. # This configuration will be overridden by the Spring profile you use,
  5. # for example application-dev.yml if you use the "dev" profile.
  6. #
  7. # More information on profiles: http://www.jhipster.tech/profiles/
  8. # More information on configuration properties: http://www.jhipster.tech/common-application-properties/
  9. # ===================================================================
  10. # ===================================================================
  11. # Standard Spring Boot properties.
  12. # Full reference is available at:
  13. # http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/common-application-properties.html
  14. # ===================================================================
  15. eureka:
  16. client:
  17. enabled: true
  18. healthcheck:
  19. enabled: true
  20. fetch-registry: true
  21. register-with-eureka: true
  22. instance-info-replication-interval-seconds: 10
  23. registry-fetch-interval-seconds: 10
  24. instance:
  25. appname: msauth
  26. instanceId: msauth:${spring.application.instance-id:${random.value}}
  27. lease-renewal-interval-in-seconds: 5
  28. lease-expiration-duration-in-seconds: 10
  29. status-page-url-path: ${management.context-path}/info
  30. health-check-url-path: ${management.context-path}/health
  31. metadata-map:
  32. zone: primary # This is needed for the load balancer
  33. profile: ${spring.profiles.active}
  34. version: ${info.project.version}
  35. ribbon:
  36. eureka:
  37. enabled: true
  38. management:
  39. security:
  40. roles: ADMIN
  41. context-path: /management
  42. info:
  43. git:
  44. mode: full
  45. health:
  46. mail:
  47. enabled: false # When using the MailService, configure an SMTP server and set this to true
  48. spring:
  49. application:
  50. name: msauth
  51. jackson:
  52. serialization.write_dates_as_timestamps: false
  53. jpa:
  54. open-in-view: false
  55. hibernate:
  56. ddl-auto: none
  57. naming:
  58. physical-strategy: org.springframework.boot.orm.jpa.hibernate.SpringPhysicalNamingStrategy
  59. implicit-strategy: org.springframework.boot.orm.jpa.hibernate.SpringImplicitNamingStrategy
  60. messages:
  61. basename: i18n/messages
  62. mvc:
  63. favicon:
  64. enabled: false
  65. thymeleaf:
  66. mode: XHTML
  67. security:
  68. basic:
  69. enabled: false
  70. oauth2:
  71. resource:
  72. filter-order: 3
  73. server:
  74. session:
  75. cookie:
  76. http-only: true
  77. info:
  78. project:
  79. version: #project.version#
  80. # ===================================================================
  81. # JHipster specific properties
  82. #
  83. # Full reference is available at: http://www.jhipster.tech/common-application-properties/
  84. # ===================================================================
  85. jhipster:
  86. async:
  87. core-pool-size: 2
  88. max-pool-size: 50
  89. queue-capacity: 10000
  90. # By default CORS is disabled. Uncomment to enable.
  91. #cors:
  92. #allowed-origins: "*"
  93. #allowed-methods: "*"
  94. #allowed-headers: "*"
  95. #exposed-headers: "Authorization,Link,X-Total-Count"
  96. #allow-credentials: true
  97. #max-age: 1800
  98. mail:
  99. from: msauth@localhost
  100. swagger:
  101. default-include-pattern: /api/.*
  102. title: msauth API
  103. description: msauth API documentation
  104. version: 0.0.1
  105. terms-of-service-url:
  106. contact-name:
  107. contact-url:
  108. contact-email:
  109. license:
  110. license-url:
  111. ribbon:
  112. display-on-active-profiles: dev
  113. # ===================================================================
  114. # Application specific properties
  115. # Add your own application properties here, see the ApplicationProperties class
  116. # to have type-safe configuration, like in the JHipsterProperties above
  117. #
  118. # More documentation is available at:
  119. # http://www.jhipster.tech/common-application-properties/
  120. # ===================================================================
  121. application: